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NHSL Corporate Management Team


Calum and CMT Team Journey

Team background – NHSL Corporate Management team, looked at the overall Board report to develop a plan around “you said we listened”

As a board NHS Lanarkshire implemented iMatter on a phased approach over three years and the Corporate Management team were delighted to finally receive our first overall Board report with a response rate of 65% and an overall engagement score of 77.

Meeting up to discuss the report we agreed as a group that it would be beneficial if we led by example and developed an action plan around the overall report, listening to what staff were telling us and putting plans in place to improve our two lowest scoring areas. These were:-

  • I feel senor managers responsible for the wider organisation are sufficiently visible (65% of people agreed).
  • I feel involved in decisions relating to my organisation (59% of people agreed).

Following discussion around what staff may have been thinking behind these answers we agreed that it would be beneficial to get some more information from staff to ensure any actions were meaningful. We agreed to hold a series of focus groups with a range of staff to get more detailed feedback. Organisational Development supported the sessions which proved invaluable, with staff being very honest around both areas. A summary of the findings are detailed below

We met again to discuss the focus group findings and these were pivotal in helping us to shape our action plan to be taken forward in the coming year with the support of our organisational development and communication team colleagues. Our plan in response to visibility of directors across the organisation is to have a communication campaign which will include:-

  • displaying posters with photographs of board members at key locations, signposting staff top more information on the website.
  • Initiating a blog from each CMT member to feature throughout the year through internal comms channels.
  • Continuing with board safety visits and CMT `back to the floor` walk-rounds.

Reflecting on the feedback around involving staff in decisions relating to the organisation we agreed to:-

  • raise awareness of the Area Partnership Forum and the Area Clinical Forum – two of the main mechanisms for staff getting involved in decision making – through the staff magazine, ‘The Pulse’

We had a good humoured photo session at one of our meetings and are looking forward to seeing our “portraits” out there. We continue to work closely with our communications team and have published two articles so far in the Pulse magazine.

Myself and the CMT were delighted when the latest report was published showing an increase of 1% in both the areas we chose to focus on and look forward to further improving staff engagement within Lanarkshire.