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NHSGGC wide/ R&R Hubs

Time to Relax and Recuperate

From April, staff R&R Hubs opened at the campuses of Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow Royal Infirmary, Royal Alexandra Hospital and Inverclyde Royal Hospital.

The aim in creating these Hubs was to give members of staff the space to relax and recuperate away from their clinical work environments. We drew upon learning from China where hospital clinicians working directly with the impact of COVID-19 benefitted significantly from relaxation and recuperation facilities which supported them to cope better with the significant extra demands being placed on them and enabled mental and physical recovery for their next shift. 

Each Hub has different spaces: Café Space for eating and drinking, Active Space with games and possibly gym equipment, Quiet Space for Relax/Reflection.  The Hubs are open to all members of staff 24 hours a day.

They are also convenient spaces to provide a location to disseminate safe, factual and trusted information to staff.

The R&R Hubs are places that enable peer support between members of staff and in addition trained staff will be present to provide basic needs support in the hubs 24/7. Information about Psychological First Aid support and other more specific support available for staff will be made available in the hubs to ensure all support is joined up.

The video below gives an insight to the Hub at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow, with Jim Meighan, Chaplain.