Board Administrators

iMatter Board Administrator (BA)

Board Administrators are assigned access rights to the Staff Engagement Portal (SEP) by their assigned iMatter Operational Lead for that NHS Board or HSCP. These access right are created by Webropol. Board Administrators (BA) will be responsible for managing the set up for their own organisations only.

Role of iMatter Board Administrator (BA)

  • Upload Board, SMT, Directorate, team manager and team details for their own organisations only.
  • Amend Board, SMT, Directorate, team manager and team details for their own organisations only.
  • The BA’s cannot access any reports such as Team reports, EEI scores, Directorate, CEO Reports but will see the overall Board reports.
  • They will be able to see which managers have updated their team details.
  • They will be able to view response rates and follow up statistics.
  • They will be able to see how many teams have completed action plans, the date action plans were created, and how many teams created storyboards at all levels within the board.
  • They do not have access to the storyboard and action plans.
  • Provide support to team managers who may have problems accessing the system, e.g. confirm teams, resending links etc.

Board Administrator and Operational Lead System Manual