
The iMatter Continuous Improvement Model

The iMatter Continuous Improvement Model was developed by NHSScotland staff and aims to engage staff in a way that feels right for people at every level. As a team-based tool, iMatter offers individual teams, managers, and organisations the facility to measure, understand, improve and evidence staff experience.

Arrangements for the delivery of the iMatter model were developed in full partnership and have been endorsed by the Scottish Workforce and Staff Governance Committee (SWAG) and approved by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care.

iMatter was initially rolled out over a three-year period from 2015 to 2017 to all staff across NHSScotland and 24 Health & Social Care Partnerships that chose to participate.

The implementation of iMatter has enabled us to obtain a comprehensive picture of staff experience. Indicating areas of success and those which require improvement both nationally and locally and helps to inform progress in delivering the commitments of our Staff Governance Standard. 

iMatter Process

The iMatter questionnaire enables staff the opportunity to feed back their experience within their team and at organisational level on a real-time basis. iMatter results are directly reported at all levels throughout an organisation. Once team results are delivered, teams are invited to collectively share responsibility for developing an action plan within an 8-week period and to review actions and progress made throughout the year. As an integral part of the iMatter process, teams come together to review the results and share thoughts and ideas in order to develop and implement Action Plans.

The iMatter process is supported by Team Stories, that provide best practice examples of how to address challenges and provide inspiration and ideas for other teams and for the organisation as a whole.